Anonymous webarchiving

tags: webarchiving tor pywb webrecorder

Webarchiving activities, as any other activity where an HTTP client is involved, leave marks of their steps: the web server you are visiting or crawling will save your IP address in its logs (or even worse it can decide to ban your IP). This is usually not a problem, there are plenty of good reasons for a webserver to keep logs of its visitors.
But sometimes you may need to protect your own identity when you are visiting or saving something from a website, and there a lot of sensitive careers that need this protection: activists, journalist, political dissidents.
TOR has been invented for this, and today offer a good protection to browse anonymously the web.
Can we also archive the web through TOR?

Actually is not difficult: we need the TOR daemon running and then we have to proxy our webarchiving client through it. Every crawler (Heritrix, wget, wpull) can be configured to use a proxy.

Here i want to use pywb, a python implementation of the wayback machine (i wrote about it in the past!), with a new recorder feature that will be soon released (kudos to @IlyaKreymer and @webrecorder).

A quick guide for macos, easy to adapt to GNU/Linux:

Install and run TOR

~ brew install tor
~ echo "TestSocks 1" | tee ~/.torrc
~ tor -f ~/.torrc

Keep the daemon running in foreground. Check its output (after the last step) and verify that is logging something like this to be sure that there are no leaks:

Oct 05 12:25:41.000 [notice] Your application (using socks5 to port 42) instructed Tor to take care of the DNS resolution itself if necessary. This is good.

Configure torsocks

verify to have version 2.2.0:

~ torsocks --version
Torsocks 2.2.0

change the default configuration:

~ TORSOCKS_CONF=/usr/local/Cellar/torsocks/2.2.0/etc/tor/torsocks.conf
~ gsed -i '/AllowInbound/s/^#//g' $TORSOCKS_CONF
~ gsed -i '/AllowOutboundLocalhost/s/^#//g' $TORSOCKS_CONF

Install pywb

install pywb from develop branch

~ pip3 install git+

create an archive

~ mkdir webarchive
~ cd webarchive
~ wb-manager init anonymous-archive
~ echo "recorder:live" | tee config.yaml

Run pywb behind TOR

set your shell to use Torsocks by default, every network activity will be proxied trough TOR:

~ . torsocks on

run pywb:

~ wayback --live -a --auto-interval 10

record your site:


important: always use a dedicated browser for this, to avoid leaks by extensions or other custom settings. Also make sure to disable DNS Prefetch:

  • Firefox: about:config ➜ set network.dns.disablePrefetch to true
  • Chrome: SettingsAdvancedPrivacy and security ➜ toggle the "Use a prediction service to load pages more quickly"

Browse the site, everything will be recorded inside ./collections/anonymous-archive You can replay the recordings still using pywb or also Webrecorder Player

Beware: double check every step and make sure to test it with a known website where you can check the access log to verify that the IP address that is hitting the server is not yours. Or, even better, record and verify if this message is obtained: